Divine Mercy is something we as humans can't fathom.
It truly is one of God's mysteries that hopefully we'll be able to understand once we are able to take part in the beatific vision.
I will not pretend to understand this myself at all~ I can only trust and thank our dear Lord for any Mercy He shows me.
As we grow closer to our Lord and in holiness, a natural thing that happens is the awareness of our unworthiness before our Lord.
This serves one purpose of recognizing our own sinfulness especially in areas we did not before realize our sin so we can grow in virtue.
But please do not fall into a cycle of guilt.
Guilt should be felt on some level for our sins and in true contrition for our sins to be reconciled with God.
However, the enemy wants us to despair in our guilt thus believing that we are not worthy of God's Divine Mercy.
This is a sort of a slap in the face to God. Paraphrasing Mother Angelica.... It is a way of saying that our sins are greater than God's Mercy!
Oh My! Think about this for a minute....
I would not for once want to think that any sin of mine was greater than God! This I'm sure falls under Pride!
It's human to think we don't deserve God's Mercy and I'm sure we don't! But this is the beautiful
mystery of God's promise of Divine Mercy!
We cannot begin to fathom the depths of His love so why should we question the depths of His Mercy?
We are not capable of understanding it because our hearts were not made big enough to contain such love and mercy!
But our Lord asks us to trust in His Mercy for us, and to not despair!
The enemy wants us to despair and lose all hope so we can wollow in our own filth!
Christ will never turn away a penitent heart, in fact His Mercy penetrates even the most broken of hearts.
Remember the only difference between a sinner and a saint is a saint is a sinner who gets up and tries again!
Perseverence and Trust in God!
If you cannot make it to confession, do a true Act of Contrition and visit our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, kneel next to the Tabernacle and be Silent. It's amazing what you'll hear in the silence!
You will be reconciled with our Lord! His mercy can do that! But still go to Confession when it is next available to you, so you can receive all the graces He wishes to bestow upon you and your family!
Speaking of Divine Mercy, please pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet for all of the Holy Souls (Those Souls in Purgatory) and all those who are sick and dying. This is one of the greatest spiritual works of mercy you can perform!
Even more wonderful, once those holy souls are released into heaven....You will have angels praying for you in heaven! Can it get any better than that?
I don't know about you, but I could use all the prayers I can get just to be sure I make it into Purgatory!
So with this I will close with :