God has graciously breathed new life into my spiritual life! Praised be God in all and for all! And now I can see and appreciate the dryness and valleys of my life with greater awe for our Lord! My retreat was wonderous and miraculous all in one and no words will ever describe it! I can only leave you with this: Failure is not Fatal;and Success is not Final.
In other words, we all fall and we all succeed in one thing or another but we and the world are ever-changing. The only Constant in life is God and His love for us. So this is why we all must continue to keep our eyes, hearts, souls, and love fixed on the Eternal. We must keep moving and not remain idle where our enemies may find us sleeping! In the words of Fr. Thomas Dubay, "We must not follow the Commanments to merely become eligible for heaven, but to excel on our way to heaven and in Union with God." What does this mean? It means I must not just go through the motions, but to really seek heaven as someone may seek for a lost treasure! This is the whole meaning and extent of our lives; to come back into full union and communion with our Creator! To long to be alone and sit in silence with our beloved and listen to the inner most secrets of His heart. This is love and longing as God wants us! Thank you Jesus for all You give us and all You take away! Now take my will and make it yours, forevermore my Lord! Only You know the depths of my heart and my mind, my strengths, my weaknesses are all for Your Glory! Mold them into what you made me to be, a Saint to Praise You in heaven!