Now that we are well underway into Lent, I feel that now more than ever God wants His message of..."I came for Sinners, not for the Righteous..." to be heard more than ever.
What does this mean to me? Well it assures me that I am a part of the sinners that He speaks of because I am "hearing" this message loud and clear. It also reminds me that I must work on my obedience skills. I've never been one to obey let alone want to obey. I've always had somewhat of a rebellious streak in me even when I didn't want to.
I've accepted this as part of my personality that God has created in me and yet it is part of my cross to perfect in coming closer to Christ.
During my morning prayers it crossed my mind that every time I do not obey Jesus or follow the Holy Spirit's inspirations, I am actually saying no to graces that Christ wished to share with me. How do I do this?
Well, if I am not following His inspirations, I am shutting down the flow of graces from His heart to mine. Think of the Blessed Virgin and her yes to God. What if she had said no? Would she still be "full of grace"? No!
It is this simple "yes" that opens us up to all the graces we ask for and still those many more we do not know to ask for. So let's pray for each other to say our "yes" to Christ during this Lent and beyond so that Christ may bless us with all the graces He wishes to bestow on us.
Christ, help us to say yes to you as Your blessed Mother did and still does today. Please forgive us for our past "no's" for we did not know what we did...but are now willing to make up for those no's with our yes today. Bless us on our Lenten journey towards you and help us to exercise this yes for the rest of our lives. Amen.