Saturday, August 9, 2008

Timeless Homilies!

The two Mass Homilies from a Weekend Retreat by Rev. Paul O'Donnell:

Persevere In Prayer.

"Never Give Up".

Celebration and Mass in honor of Saint Pio of PietrelcinaSan Diego, CaliforniaSeptember 24, 2006 by Fr. Reginauld DeFour CSSp

"Saint Pio and Suffering"

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Secret of the Saints.....

Most of us think that if we make it to Purgatory we're pretty lucky, right?

Well, I'd like to share with you, how you may be able to skip Purgatory all together!

This is the secret of the saints...

It's very simple yet complex because of the problem (at least for me it is) of our own free will.

The way to become a saint and go directly to heaven is to:

1. Be conscience of God at every moment of every day.

2. Do His will in every choice throughout the day.

Okay, okay, I know some of you might be saying easier said than done, and you're right but
practice makes perfect!

If you truly start to change your mind-set from me to "He" you'll know what He wants you to do.

After a few days of this and with the help of daily prayer you'll find your own will melting away and that all you can think of is our dear Lord!

The key is to do everything in Love and Humility. This does not mean we need to "feel love" in every moment and everyday but we need to choose to do things out of love for our Lord.

Just as we do things we may not necessarily want to do or feel like doing for those we love so we must do and more so for Our Lord.

So if someone comes up to you and starts gossiping...what is a good way to stop this without offeding the other person?
How about making a nice comment about the person they are speaking about and changing the subject?

Also, whenever you feel annoyed or anger creeping up into your heart, say a prayer to the Holy Spirit to give you peace and hel you to make the right decision.

This does not mean we can never feel angry~ it just means we should not dwell or wollow in our anger ~ This is when it is poisonous to our own souls and to people around us.

You know recently I was enlightened on how my sins just don't effect me but thet can effect everyone around me.

For instance, if I show anger towards someone during the day and they are already having a bad day, I may cause them to make a bad choice themselves~ get it?

And on and on it goes! So I decided if sin works that way, then surely making good choices has to have the same effect, right?

Try it today with me, think only of God in every decision and you'll be floored at how often He speaks to our hearts throughout the day, and you'll be even more shocked on what a great day you had!

Remember what Saint Francis said: You may be the only example of the Gospel that your fellow man sees!

This means to do your best always and you will never be leading another into sin!

The Peace of Christ be with you!


* This post was inspired by Mother Angelica on EWTN, Thanks Mother as always for your

Divine Wisdom!