How sweet our Good God is in His Mercy and Love!
His wisdom is such that not even Angels could dare to know His Designs.
Thank You Jesus for all You give and you take away...
Continue to rest within the Tabernacle of my heart
I strive to make it a place of refuge for you in the face of daily offenses against You and Your church.
Stoke the embers in my heart and make it a place of burning love for You and Your will.
Take away everything that is unholy about me and transform it into holiness in order to Praise You as I
should. Help me to forget myself and my attachments in this life.
I strive to see you face to face and long for the day when You call me home.
However, until that day is here, I wish to serve You well.
So that I may hear on that blessed day, "Well done, good and faithful Servant."
I will not take take my rest in Heaven either, as I wish to serve You still then.
I will be the Servant of Heaven, the lowly one that waits on Angels and Saints and Praises You through
these works. I will be the poorest of the poor in Heaven yet the richest in love for You my Lord!
I love you, My sweet Jesus, Make me what You will.
Your unworthy daughter,