Saturday, September 20, 2008

I Adore Him!

My heart sings praises to my Lord!
For We have been saved by His cross!
We should not be sad or gloomy for we have been saved by His Cross!
Our crosses are but splinters in the wind compared to the cross of salvation!
All pain and suffering is transitory
Our Lord is changeless, He is the Rock and true North of our souls
So what else should matter?
Hunger? Thirst? Pain? Lonliness? No Never!
If only we would learn to rest in our Lord's arms as we should
He could truly take care of us as He sees fit!
For we are always like a dear stuck in a trap struggling to get out
and our Lord only asks for us to "Be still and know that I am God"!
It is only in this stillness and trust that He can truly work in our lives!
So what should we fear? Ask Him daily to rest in your heart and that He make it a sactuary worthy of His head to lay.
Oh if only others knew the peace and greatness of our Lord! There would be no hate in this world!
I wish to please Him as a Bride wishes to please her husband or a daughter her father! But even more so! I wish to please Him and do His will as if I were the only soul on earth and His will depended on me alone! For I know that this is how He looks at every single soul on earth!
He loves us as if we were His only creation! Wow! How awesome and what responsibility! For this is truly the meaning of life! It is only to please our Lord and do His will!
For nothing else matters! It cannot get much simpler than this and perhaps this is why no one has been able to answer this timeless question! We are only here to do the work of the Lord and do His will before we are permitted to come home to Him in heaven!
For only he knows how my days are numbered and when the great day of my homecoming will be! How I look forward to this day and pray that I will see His Holy face!
His heart magnificent beyond all others and love and mercy flowing through eternity!
Thank you Jesus for my peace of heart! I pray that you grant this to all your people and that sinners may come to know this through Your love and mercy!
Bless our world Jesus, and ask the Father to have mercy on us all by sending us His Holy Spirit! For only this, will save us from damnation!

Protect your little ones, Lord.
Bless your sick ones
Comfort your dying ones,
Console your mourning ones
and give peace to your lonely ones.
Help us all to be Your hands and Your heart in our daily lives!
I adore You dear Jesus, but help me to live this!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Love is such a little word...

Thank You Jesus for all You give
My words are not enough for the
power of Your Spirit!
My heart continues to throb and burn for love of You!
What can I do Lord?
I am powerless to resist it!
I am in love with my Creator
My ever-present teacher!

To You I owe all things!
I give You my will, my love and my life!
Do with it what You will!
Take my nothingness and I trust You will make it worthy in Your eyes!
I feel the need to let You rest in my heart always
so that I may help relieve Your burden of suffering.
I know I cannot do much Lord, but I hope my love for you is but a small drop of consolation if even for a second it would take away the pain You feel over the ingratitude and blasphemies thrown at You throughout the world.
Help my little light to shine and light the wick of others, an instrument in Your hands.
Never let me leave You Lord, only You know how weak I am!
Praised be God in all the tabernacles of the world, even until the end of time!


the little heart

Monday, September 15, 2008

Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows...

In her desolation she bathes with her tears His beautiful face, His gentle breast,His side that is man's comfort, His wounded hands and His feet all red with blood.

Again and again she holds tightly to herself His breast and arms, and has eyes for nothing but His wounds. And in this state of mind she wholly melts away in the kisses of a bereaved mother.

Therefore we ask you, Mother, by these tears, by your Son's cruel death and by the blood of His wounds, plant well in our hearts the grief that afflicted yours.

To the Father and the son and the co-eternal Spirit, to the most high God in three Persons,be everlasting glory, eternal praise and honor in this and in every age.

Dearest Mother,

Help us to unite our sufferings to yours and your Son's help and pray that we may be able to suffer well as you did under the cross. So many times we complain while we are on the cross and sometimes it's even harder to watch from under the cross. So help us dear Mary to suffer well as you and Your Son did, and help us to do this if only it is Christ's Will. Thank you Mother for all your sufferings and for giving us your son, your one and only and our One and Only.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Exaltation of the Holy Cross

Why do we honor the cross? It is not because it is two pieces of wood or even because of the symbol it represents. It is because it is the very essence of our existence! It is where our Most beloved shed His precious blood, sweat, and tears, for US! For US! Do you understand how Awesome that is? His, yes, saved our souls from eternal damnation! Do you know anyone else who would do that for you? Sure people say in passing yeah, I'd die for you, but would they? Would they also suffer horrendous tortures for you? I seriously doubt it! No love exists like that on earth except that that comes from our Precious Lord!

So today, instead of just fulfilling your hour in Mass, really give Thanksgiving to our Lord for all He's done for you, and recognize it! Even if you had nothing, His love should be enough! For His love will always take care of you!
If you can, recieve our Lord in the Eucharist and the Precious Blood and savor it! Thank Him for being able to recieve such a precious gift every week or everyday how ever often you go!

Ask Him to fill you with His loving fire so that you may be an instrument to light the fire of others! Burn with zeal for our Lord! How many of us actually do that and live it? I can only hope that our Lord will see how pitiful I am and take constant pity on me to give me a bigger and better heart to love Him with! Ask Him to transform your love for Him into something bigger than yourself!
Let the Master work in your life and in your heart!
May God bless us all and bless our world with peace!

Say for 9 Days
Jesus, Who because of Your burning love for us willed to be crucified and to shed Your Most Precious Blood for the redemption and salvation of our souls, look down upon us and grant the petition we ask for ...( mention here)

We trust completely in Your Mercy. Cleanse us from sin by Your Grace, sanctify our work, give us and all those who are dear to us our daily bread, lighten the burden of our sufferings, bless our families, and grant to the nations, so sorely afflicted, Your Peace, which is the only true peace, so that by obeying Your Commandments we may come at last to the glory of Heaven. Amen