Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Perseverence in Prayer...

Perseverence in Prayer is most important in the Spiritual Life!

Even if our spiritual life becomes dry, it is even more important to pray during this time even if the only words we can utter are: Come Holy Spirit, or Jesus, I love you help me to love you more!

Usually if our Spiritual lives have become dry it is because we have not asked the Holy Spirit for guidance or we are not persevering in prayer.

We need to strengthen our spiritual muscles just as we need to get daily exercise.

If we don't strengthen ourselves spiritually......How can we expect ourselves to carry the crosses when they fall? Because they do fall, they always do!

In this way, we will be able to carry our crosses and carry them well, without complaint or looking like we're carrying a cross, always in sweet joy for our Lord!

If lifting our tiny crosses compared to His, can ease His pain a little what should we care? Afterall, we deserve the pain for all of our sins.....what did Jesus deserve except our perpetual love?

When the crosses fall remember Christ crucified and remain Silent!~St.Elizabeth Seton

"If you pray well, you will live well;if you live well,you will die well;and if you die well, all will be well!"-St. Augustine

1 comment:

Ed Sousa said...

Father John Randall a holy priest always tells us that the way to Jesus is through his Holy Cross.
The cross is always a precious gift to us from Our Lord.