If I could have my Heaven today, I would spend today in silence in Awe of God's creatures.
If I did not have my daily duties to accomplish, I would help and pray for those that need it.
If I weren't so tired, I could get more done for our Lord!
If I were smarter, I could think up new ways to spread God's love and mercy!
But since I do have daily duties to fulfill, and I am tired, and I am not smarter, I guess You will have to take over for me today
God! God says: "You should always let Me lead you, for only I know if tomorrow's duties exist or not. Give until it hurts, work
until your hands bleed, for you are My hands on earth, I speak through your heart and mouth, never doubt My inspirations, for
if they are not from Me, no fruit will they bear. Prepare a place in your heart for me where only I will dwell, everything else
does not matter for it passes away with time and wind. I am the only "I am" constant and secure, place all your trust in Me and
you will be as immovable rocks on the shore. Do not put off for tomorrow what you can do today, for tomorrow will happen
but only I know where you will spend your day and night. The time draws nearer every day when I will ask you: Did you see Me
in the crowd? Did you see Me in your struggles, in your friends, in your enemies? Did you feed me, give me drink, clothe me,
shelter me? Did you prepare a place for My Mother? All of these questions and more will be asked of you, do not waste time on
things that do not matter, I have your best interest at heart, even more so than yourself. Ask Me for an increase of virtues,
and I shall grant it, but you must Ask! Now go, and do My Will!"
May God bless and protect us all during this Advent and Christmas Season! Prepare a place for Our Lady and Our Lord! Will
your place be cold, lukewarm, or on fire for His Love? It is our choice!
God love you all!
Very nice sweetheart, luv you.
I love you so much Sister. You are so wise!
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