Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Advantage of not having everything our own way...

Taken from The Imitation of Christ:

It is good that everything is not to our own liking; for adversity makes people look into their hearts in order to realize that they are exiles and must not put their hope in any worldly thing.

It is good for us to run into opposition and have others think badly of us, even when our intentions are good. For these things help to humble us and rid us of pride. Then we seek God more earnestly, Who alone knows our inner most self, when outwardly we are ignored and discredited by others.

Therefore people should rely so entirely on God that they have no need for human consolations when adversity comes. When people of good disposition are afflicted or tempted or distracted by evil thoughts, then they understand the need they have of God and that without Him they can do nothing.

Then too they grieve, while they sigh and pray because of the miseries they endure. They grow weary of this life and long for death in order to be with Christ their Lord. It will also be clear to them that there is neither perfect peace or security in this world.

From St. Therese:

"On each fresh occasion of combat when the devil desires to challenge me, I conduct myself valiantly, knowing that to fight a duel is an unworthy act. I turn my back on the adversary without ever looking him in the face. Then I am ready to run to Jesus and tell Him I am ready to shed every drop of blood in testimony of my belief that there is a heaven."

1 comment:

Rosemarie said...

Hi Erin,

Thanks for posting this from the Imitation. It is one of my favorite books that I keep near at all times.
I hope you had a peaceful and refreshing retreat!
In Christ,